/* _ __ _ __ | | / /___ _(_) /____ | | /| / / __ `/ / / ___/ | |/ |/ / /_/ / / (__ ) |__/|__/\__,_/_/_/____/ The electron alternative for Go (c) Lea Anthony 2019-present */ export function LogPrint(message) { window.runtime.LogPrint(message); } export function LogTrace(message) { window.runtime.LogTrace(message); } export function LogDebug(message) { window.runtime.LogDebug(message); } export function LogInfo(message) { window.runtime.LogInfo(message); } export function LogWarning(message) { window.runtime.LogWarning(message); } export function LogError(message) { window.runtime.LogError(message); } export function LogFatal(message) { window.runtime.LogFatal(message); } export function EventsOnMultiple(eventName, callback, maxCallbacks) { return window.runtime.EventsOnMultiple(eventName, callback, maxCallbacks); } export function EventsOn(eventName, callback) { return EventsOnMultiple(eventName, callback, -1); } export function EventsOff(eventName, ...additionalEventNames) { return window.runtime.EventsOff(eventName, ...additionalEventNames); } export function EventsOnce(eventName, callback) { return EventsOnMultiple(eventName, callback, 1); } export function EventsEmit(eventName) { let args = [eventName].slice.call(arguments); return window.runtime.EventsEmit.apply(null, args); } export function WindowReload() { window.runtime.WindowReload(); } export function WindowReloadApp() { window.runtime.WindowReloadApp(); } export function WindowSetAlwaysOnTop(b) { window.runtime.WindowSetAlwaysOnTop(b); } export function WindowSetSystemDefaultTheme() { window.runtime.WindowSetSystemDefaultTheme(); } export function WindowSetLightTheme() { window.runtime.WindowSetLightTheme(); } export function WindowSetDarkTheme() { window.runtime.WindowSetDarkTheme(); } export function WindowCenter() { window.runtime.WindowCenter(); } export function WindowSetTitle(title) { window.runtime.WindowSetTitle(title); } export function WindowFullscreen() { window.runtime.WindowFullscreen(); } export function WindowUnfullscreen() { window.runtime.WindowUnfullscreen(); } export function WindowIsFullscreen() { return window.runtime.WindowIsFullscreen(); } export function WindowGetSize() { return window.runtime.WindowGetSize(); } export function WindowSetSize(width, height) { window.runtime.WindowSetSize(width, height); } export function WindowSetMaxSize(width, height) { window.runtime.WindowSetMaxSize(width, height); } export function WindowSetMinSize(width, height) { window.runtime.WindowSetMinSize(width, height); } export function WindowSetPosition(x, y) { window.runtime.WindowSetPosition(x, y); } export function WindowGetPosition() { return window.runtime.WindowGetPosition(); } export function WindowHide() { window.runtime.WindowHide(); } export function WindowShow() { window.runtime.WindowShow(); } export function WindowMaximise() { window.runtime.WindowMaximise(); } export function WindowToggleMaximise() { window.runtime.WindowToggleMaximise(); } export function WindowUnmaximise() { window.runtime.WindowUnmaximise(); } export function WindowIsMaximised() { return window.runtime.WindowIsMaximised(); } export function WindowMinimise() { window.runtime.WindowMinimise(); } export function WindowUnminimise() { window.runtime.WindowUnminimise(); } export function WindowSetBackgroundColour(R, G, B, A) { window.runtime.WindowSetBackgroundColour(R, G, B, A); } export function ScreenGetAll() { return window.runtime.ScreenGetAll(); } export function WindowIsMinimised() { return window.runtime.WindowIsMinimised(); } export function WindowIsNormal() { return window.runtime.WindowIsNormal(); } export function BrowserOpenURL(url) { window.runtime.BrowserOpenURL(url); } export function Environment() { return window.runtime.Environment(); } export function Quit() { window.runtime.Quit(); } export function Hide() { window.runtime.Hide(); } export function Show() { window.runtime.Show(); } export function ClipboardGetText() { return window.runtime.ClipboardGetText(); } export function ClipboardSetText(text) { return window.runtime.ClipboardSetText(text); } /** * Callback for OnFileDrop returns a slice of file path strings when a drop is finished. * * @export * @callback OnFileDropCallback * @param {number} x - x coordinate of the drop * @param {number} y - y coordinate of the drop * @param {string[]} paths - A list of file paths. */ /** * OnFileDrop listens to drag and drop events and calls the callback with the coordinates of the drop and an array of path strings. * * @export * @param {OnFileDropCallback} callback - Callback for OnFileDrop returns a slice of file path strings when a drop is finished. * @param {boolean} [useDropTarget=true] - Only call the callback when the drop finished on an element that has the drop target style. (--wails-drop-target) */ export function OnFileDrop(callback, useDropTarget) { return window.runtime.OnFileDrop(callback, useDropTarget); } /** * OnFileDropOff removes the drag and drop listeners and handlers. */ export function OnFileDropOff() { return window.runtime.OnFileDropOff(); } export function CanResolveFilePaths() { return window.runtime.CanResolveFilePaths(); } export function ResolveFilePaths(files) { return window.runtime.ResolveFilePaths(files); }